

Restaurant Overview

An overview of all the restaurant recommendations in the DMV. A mix of cheap eats to Michelin Guide restaurants. Restaurants are ranked by $, $$, $$$. A quick note for tips for each restaurant is below the listing and link to the restaurant website is attached.

Washington, D.C.

Chaia $

Great lunch spot for vegetarian tacos. Two locations: Georgetown and Chinatown. If you go to the Georgetown location take a stroll down the canal.

Roses' Luxury $$$

A Michelin star restaurant from the founding of the DC Michelin Guide. I would plan to make a reservation far in advance from when you arrive to the DMV.

2Amys $$

One of the best Neapolitan-style pizza spots in DC. They do not take reservations though. It might be a trek, but it's worth it if you plan to check out the National Cathedral.

